Pavel Durov, the CEO of the messaging app Telegram, was arrested in France last month. He was charged with a host of crimes, including complicity in distributing child pornography, illegal drugs and hacking software on the app. Matthew Dalton reports on how the charges represent a major escalation by the French government in holding tech executives accountable for the content that appears on their platforms.
Further Reading:
- Telegram CEO Pavel Durov Charged by French Authorities
- Exclusive | Telegram Founder Pavel Durov Was Wooed and Targeted by Governments
Further Listening:
- Is Fighting Misinformation Censorship? The Supreme Court Will Decide.
- What Happens to Privacy in the Age of AI?
- Meta Is Struggling to Boot Pedophiles Off Facebook and Instagram
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What's Behind the Arrest of the Telegram CEO? | The Journal. podcast - Listen or read transcript on Metacast