Segment #1: "Raiders CEO Amy Trask Resigns After 25 Years"
As we left Raiders rookie mini-camp last Saturday, we saw Amy Trask walking out of the front door of Raiders headquarters to her car. We called out, "hi Amy!" and waved. She waved back. Little did we know that it may have been her last time leaving that building. We heard on the radio about 3 minutes later that she had just resigned. Knowing all the Amy had done for the Raiders organization and how much she had meant to us personally, we were shocked. Raider Greg will tell you the rest of the story.
Segment #2: "Oakland Raiders Rookie Mini-Camp 2013"
We were privileged to be on hand at Raiders headquarters Saturday to watch practice, sit in on Coach Allen's press conference, then join the interview session with the Raiders draftees. Raider Greg threw in a few questions for them. You can see the video we took of the occasion on YouTube and on our website:
Segment #3: "The Raiders pick up a few more free agents""
Since rookie mini-camp ended, the Raiders have signed a few more free agents. Raider Greg goes over the list.
Segment #4: "Our Toll-Free Boneline Voicemail Segment"
We have been having trouble with our 800-number voicemail service. All of the calls are logged into the caller history, but not all of them are making it to our mailbox. The company so far can't figure out where the calls are disappearing to. As a result, we only have two calls this week. Hopefully we will have the problem solved before our next show.
This week's callers:
01. Raider Tread
02. Raider Chongo from Copperopolis, California
You can call in to the Boneline and get on the podcast yourself. Toll-Free 1-800-620-7181. Try to keep your call around 2-3 minutes long. If we get a lot of calls we may not be able to air all of them, so make them good. Preference may be given to first time callers. Sorry if your call is not aired. Please call back to get on another show.
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Music credit: Back in Black by AC-DC, The Raiders by Sam Spence
Available in the iTunes store.
Running time - 44:37