Josh Hendrickson is Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Mississippi and Chair of the Economics Department. Josh joins David on Macro Musings to discuss US monetary policy and US defense policy. Specifically, Josh and David discuss the coordination of fiscal and monetary policy and what Milton Friedman would think of it today, the Fed’s responsibility for modern inflation trends, state capacity and how it impacts economic growth, the role of national defense in the context of state capacity and economic growth, and much more.
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Transcript for the episode can be found here.
Josh’s Twitter: @RebelEconProf
Josh’s Ole Miss profile:
Related Links:
*Central Banks are Inflation Creators, Not Inflation Fighters* by Joshua R. Hendrickson
*Evolution, Uncertainty, and the Asymptotic Efficiency of Policy* by Brian C. Albrecht, Joshua R. Hendrickson, and Alexander William Salter
*The Coronavirus and Lessons for Preparedness* by Josh Hendrickson
*Preventing Plunder, Military Technology, Capital Accumulation and Economic Growth* by Brian C. Albrecht, Joshua R. Hendrickson, and Alexander William Salter
David’s blog:
David’s Twitter: @DavidBeckworth