Ethan Ilzetzki is an associate professor of economics at the London School of Economics and a research affiliate with the Centre for Economic Policy Research. Ethan is also a returning guest to the show, and he re-joins Macro Musings to talk about the European Central Bank’s big strategy review, the future of the Euro, and whether change is afoot in our international monetary system.
Transcript for the episode can be found here.
Ethan’s Twitter: @ilzetzki
Ethan’s website:
Related Links:
*Why Is the Euro Punching Below Its Weight?* by Ethan Ilzetzki, Carmen Reinhart, and Kenneth Rogoff
*Will the Secular Decline in Exchange Rate and Inflation Volatility Survive COVID-19?* by Ethan Ilzetzki, Carmen Reinhart, and Kenneth Rogoff
Centre for Macroeconomics Panel of Experts Surveys:
Register for the AEA’s 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting:
*Ethan Ilzetzki on the US Dollar as an Anchor Currency*
David’s Twitter: @DavidBeckworth
David’s blog: