If you haven’t yet checked out Netflix’ Korean historical zombie thriller, Kingdom, you are seriously missing out. It’s so beautifully designed and staged, with incredible rage-zombie action, and Game-of-Thrones-style political intrigue, backstabbing, and shocking twists.
Lucy and I are pleased to have Kingdom fan (and Lucy’s partner) Peter on to talk through the second season. (We covered the first season awhile back, which you can find here: https://podcastica.com/podcast/the-walking-dead-cast/episode/395-kingdom-season-one).
Thanks to our sponsor, Comixology Unlimited where you can get immediate access to 40k+ comics. Very cool! You can show support for the podcast by hecking them out here: https://www.amazon.com/kindle-dbs/cu/signup?ref=cmx_mtg_pd_cu_RC
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