Now for something completely different!
First, we're incredibly thankful to have all you guys as listeners. You're what make doing this podcast worthwhile, so thank you guys! We're also really appreciative some of you have decided to support us on Patreon, as that's ultimately what's going to help us keep going with all this.
Each month Karen and I do a special call-in show for all Patreon contributors. For this week's episode, we're publishing this month's call publicly for the first time ever. Hopefully you dig it even if you have no intention of contributing - it's geeky people talking about geeky stuff, like TWD, GoT, and some behind-the-scenes stuff, among other things.
WARNING: There are some Game of Thrones spoilers partway through if you're not caught up - so you might want to skip past that part. You'll hear once we start talking about it.
If you'd like to take part in next month's call-in, contribute any amount at Cheers!
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