Psychiatrist, aviator and explorer, Bertrand Piccard made history in 1999 by accomplishing the first ever non-stop round-the-world balloon flight, and a number of years later the first round-the-world solar-powered flight. Piccard has dedicated his life to demonstrating sustainable development opportunities. He is Founder and Chairman of the Solar Impulse Foundation, which has assembled a verified portfolio of over 1400 actionable and profitable climate solutions. As a pioneer of new ways of thinking that reconcile ecology and economy, he uses his exploration feats to motivate governments and industries to take action. He is a United Nations Goodwill Ambassador for the Environment, Special Advisor to the European Commission, and is author of Réaliste, Changer d’Altitude, and other books.
“We have prepared a selection of solutions for the specific needs of cities – construction, ways to make buildings carbon neutral and much more efficient, new heating systems, mobility, of course, supply chains, waste management. We really focus on cities and would like to make an alliance of all cities interested in these solutions to start to use them and test them everywhere. So that's one of the actions we're doing now.”
Solar Impulse Solutions Explorer (1400+)
Solutions for the Cities guide
Photo credit: Philipp Böhlen