What does it truly mean to be Foolish?
In this episode entitled Making a Fool of Yourself to Find Your Truth, Amisha meets professional Fool, Jonathan Kay. For the uninitiated, The Fool exists somewhere in the archetypal space between a clown, your inner child and a guru - and everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Tune in to experience Foolish ways of looking, seeing, being… and flying!
Jonathan has been a performer since a young age, travelling and performing with theatres and bands. Something mysterious happened to him in Winchester in the early 80s which led him to be touched by The Fool and his present life’s work evolved from there. He now teaches workshops and programmes, as well as continuing to perform and bring The Fool to audiences and initiates across the globe.
Together Amisha and Jonathan explore what it really means to make a Fool of ourselves. Jonathan draws on powerful, painful stories to give examples of the depth of his work with The Fool - which is essentially a spiritual practice for him.
“You have to have a contained box before you can see that you can play in this contained box and let yourself out. That heads towards self-consciousness, which heads towards consciousness and being open and out of prison.” ~ Jonathan Kay
Trigger warning: contains themes of suicide and torture
Links from this episode and more at https://allthatweare.org/2019/07/04/e55-jonathan-kay-on-the-fool-archetypal-play-and-self-realisation-making-a-fool-of-yourself-to-find-your-truth/
For Amisha's book INTUITION - https://amisha.co.uk/intuition/
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