What would a new story of human progress look like if we reconnected with nature and worked with nature as partner?
In this episode entitled Optimal Blueprints Of Connection, Amisha talks to Andres Roberts, a human development guide whose vision is to reconnect us with nature. Andres brings together innovative approaches to leadership aiming to forge change that embraces the wisdom from ancient cultures and deep work with nature. He is the founding partner of the ‘Bio-Leadership Project’, co-founder of ‘Way of Nature UK’, and a guide to contemporary rites of passage that support deep transformation.
Amisha and Andres explore the power of rekindling our lost relationship with nature and the potentiality it holds for carving out a new story of human progress where we live in reciprocal partnerships with nature, technology, engineering, and human intelligence garnered from ancient wisdom traditions and the failings of extractive culture.
Andres shares his experiences of guiding people on nature quests; formative experiences of observation and listening to nature that restore a sense of belonging and release us from culturally dominant patterns of separation. He shares his work with Bio-Leadership Fellowship, a community that brings together likeminded businesses and intelligence from all over the world seeking to foster a new culture of progress in reciprocity with nature and community based on five core stories that are emerging in the world.
We learn that nature is our greatest teacher and a paradise that affirms the sacredness of life. Everything is in constant flow and changing, and tuning into life’s fluidity will ground us and provide the capabilities to be adaptable during times of upheaval and uncertainty. Nature guides us into understanding our vital role as part of the natural world. When we rekindle a connection with nature, a new intelligence emerges, and a sense of wholeness, beauty and wonder grows, that naturally pulls us into envisioning a more beautiful world.
Links from this episode and more at https://allthatweare.org/2021/05/20/e137-andres-roberts-on-nature-quests-bioleadership-and-belonging-optimal-blueprints-of-connection/
For Amisha's book INTUITION - https://amisha.co.uk/intuition/
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