How can we learn and unlearn to bring forth cultural, personal and planetary transformation?
In this episode entitled Interconnected Learning Amisha talks with Ruby and Christabel Reed, co-founding directors of the holistic wellbeing and transformative education platform Advaya, and of the Initiative Earth Charity, which runs the online nature skills platform Earthed and narrative campaign EcoResolution. Over the last ten years they have been building networks and bringing tens of thousands of people together in joyful spaces that reframe how we see the world around us, and our role within it, so that we recognise our ecological relationality, fall more in love with life, and actively participate in its ecological and spiritual regeneration.
We explore
:: the creation, growth and intentions of educational platforms Advaya and Earthed
:: holistic educational systems considering ecology, consciousness and the body as antidotes to dominant forms of education
:: deep learning in community
:: their personal journeys into educational activism
:: cancel culture & the challenges of social media and influencer posturing
:: creating long term embodiment practices
Links from this episode and more at