What kind of world could we believe in and tend to through practices of deep listening?
In this episode entitled The Quiet Revolutions Inside Our Hearts, Amisha speaks with Kailea Frederick, a mother of Tahltan, Kaska and Black American ancestry. Her work sits at the intersection of climate justice, spiritual ecology and resilience thinking. Kailea is the Editor for Loam, a Climate Commissioner for the city of Petaluma, and a facilitator through her own project ‘Earth Is `Ohana’. She co-authored ‘Compassion In Crisis: Learning To Live in an Age of Disaster’.
Amisha and Kailea talk about the practice of deep listening as way of being in dialogue with Honua, the trees, the rocks, the elements, ourselves and each other; a vital tool for navigating our complex lives whilst experiencing the discomforts, unpredictability and imbalances of climate change.
Kailea shares practical ways of listening to Earth as a climate commissioner working on climate emergency frameworks translating data and charts, observations and climate transitions into guiding documents for crisis management during climate emergencies. Together they explore communities creatively coming together to forge ways forward by uplifting voices and narratives that offer new perspectives and grounding us in simple life, hope, resilience and spiritual practice.
Kailea reveals the challenges of being a parent and together they explore the joys and the murkier moments of being a guardian during these times that do not promise safety nor balance, but nonetheless the rewards of personal growth and widening perspectives.
We learn that deep listening is an act and gift of reciprocity that can help us shape spaces of shared values where we may find new formats of balance, common goals and a community moving towards the creations of systemic changes. They encourage us to observe the quiet revolutions inside our hearts so we can become the lightbearers of alternative perspectives that will guide the way.
This podcast is part of a collaboration with St.Ethelburga’s called ‘Listening to each other, Listening to Earth’.
Links from this episode and more at https://allthatweare.org/2020/11/26/e114-kailea-frederick-on-reflective-activism-parenting-and-climate-justice-the-quiet-revolutions-inside-our-hearts/
For Amisha's book INTUITION - https://amisha.co.uk/intuition/
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