How can inner and outer exploration support authentic self-actualisation?
In this episode entitled Climbing Mountains For A View From Within, Amisha sits down with adventurer, social entrepreneur, filmmaker, and activist Sam Branson. Sam lives his life as an expression of his true self and passions, providing him with the inspiration to develop projects to transform the education system and offer life-enhancing adventure opportunities for young people.
Sam speaks about what drives his charitable work, and the love of story that began with bunking off school to see films and culminated in founding his own film production company making enlightening films about what really matters. His natural curiosity, love for exploring and profound questioning of his place in the world have led him on a series of life adventures from the Arctic to Bali. Sam shares with us some of the life-changing moments that have shaped the person he has become along the way, and his experiences of making an impact.
Together Amisha and Sam discuss the challenges for young men seeking to find their identity in a changing world, life as a sensitive creative learning about boundaries and burnout, the influence of the media and meditation on our attitude to the world around us, and why we sometimes need to break down to break through to our truest passions.
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