How can we anchor into our deeper intelligence?
In this special episode entitled Navigating The Challenges Of This Time, Amisha Ghadiali, the host of this globally acclaimed podcast that weaves together activism, the sacred, creativity and regeneration, shares an insightful and heartfelt flow of consciousness.
She believes that the challenges we are facing during these pressing times offer us the opportunity to be supported by the right practices and guidance so we may connect with the truths of who we are. Amisha has a gift of bringing people into connection with themselves, each other and the Earth. She has hosted many retreats, workshops, programmes and rituals around the world. She creates tender and inclusive spaces.
She shares a deeper insight into the different offerings she has created overtime from Presence Collective membership with its community that kindles collaborations, friendships and sharing community, her nourishing one-to-one offerings and the Beautiful Leadership mentoring.
Amisha’s work offers us ways to plant new seeds, to connect deeper with our intuition, be guided in processing grief and eco grief, to shift patterns and expand our creativity whilst learning practices, breath work and pranayama. We learn how all these powerful offerings can support us to connect with our deeper intelligence and be fully present in our gifts, help us tune into our resilience and joy, and provide us with necessary skills to navigate the challenges in this world of relentless distractions.
We hear about the tree whispering, little poems of contemplation she shares with her community and how the essence of her offerings connect us with earth and the great cosmos, all reflections of our souls. She shares about her most recent summer solstice pilgrimage to Stonehenge, a time for anchoring sacred rituals that can provide clarity and power whilst opening us to receive wisdom and guidance.
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