How can simple ways of living in beauty and balance forge effective change in a turmoiled world?
In this episode entitled Remembering The Power Of Who We Are, Amisha talks to Jimena Paratcha, mother, community leader, conscious entrepreneur and horsewoman. With 20 years of working in the social justice sector, Jimena is the founder of Action for Brazil's Children's Trust and a founding partner of Street Child United. An activist at heart, Jimena today focuses on campaigning for Fossil Free Sussex and Ecocide Law. She has been initiated into the Siddha Kundalini lineage, Nature Mysticism of Andean Peru and is currently studying Equine Facilitated Therapies. She is a Guardian of the Yawanawa and Tukano people of Amazonian Brazil, a partner of the Akasha Retreat Centre in Rio de Janeiro, a trustee of TreeSisters and a founding member of Friends of the River Medway.
Jimena shares her story of origin and key steps of her life’s journey as a mother raising three children and as a generous activist supporting communities and addressing the growing environmental crisis. She reveals that her personal healing has helped her move from a place of embodied awareness and balance enabling heart-led choices reflected in her work with TreeSisters and Friends of the River Medway in Sussex, a project that weaves together practical, legal and sacred spiritual priorities to honour and care for the vitality of the local rivers.
Amisha and Jimena explore the importance of motherhood and how living atuned to nature’s and our own inner cycles provides vital moments of calm that connects us to our inner voice and creativity.
We learn that growing practices of spaciousness and stillness will align us with our bodies intelligence, our feelings and physical sensations, rather than our intellect. This simplicity of being in our bodies is a powerful way to bring alive a gentle way of living in beauty and balance, from which we can activate more effective change in our local communities and society at large.
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