How will we heal the disconnect between humanity and Mother Earth?
In this episode entitled The Water Inside Us, Amisha meets Maori elder and shaman Erena Rangimarie Rereomaki Rhöse.
Erena shares with us her cultural concept of the earth as Mother and the cosmology and creation stories of her Maori heritage, speaking of the lived experience of connection to nature at the deepest levels of being. She speaks of the pressing need to acknowledge, love and honour our mother the earth and why we must even learn to love plastic.
Erena speaks about the situation in New Zealand where people are turning back to the land, human rights being awarded to the River Whanganui, and the healing happening within Maori communities and with non-Maori New Zealanders. Finally, Erena explains what happens when indigenous elders from around the globe gather in one room, why these elders are gathering now and how the earth is working with us and through us all to heal herself.
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