How do we create pathways into living our full humanity?
In this episode entitled Ecology Of Listening, Amisha speaks with Hop Hopkins, the Director of Strategic Partnerships for the Sierra Club working to promote economic justice and protection to those most affected by climate change and environmental degradation. He has worked in the labor, the climate justice and the housing justice movement. Hop is an Arborist and a Master Gardener living in community and creating a network of residential food forests supporting the development of stable, human-scale solar self-reliant neighbourhood communities.
Amisha and Hop explore listening to Earth as a practice of acknowledging our surroundings and our inner voices; an expansive opportunity for becoming conscious, compassionate and empathetic.
They reveal how the pandemic, climate change and economy are interrelated and how the overarching system we live in impacts us all in its interconnectedness. They share how the global changes activated during the past year are an invitation to use our liberatory imagination in order to craft new governance and economic models, and new models of community support.
Hop shares his personal experiences of living in a self-reliant community and the advantages of such a support system and sharing economy, especially in times of crisis and times of unlearning. He believes that fostering a culture of failing, learning and humility will help us form pathways into collective leadership rooted in sharing and self-governing communities where we may flourish into living our full humanity.
This podcast is part of a collaboration with St.Ethelburga’s called ‘Listening to each other, Listening to Earth’.
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