How can we be present to the challenging transitions that we experience in life?
"We can be courageous enough to meet these moments of transition with presence. To let ourselves be transformed in relationship to that which is dying and being reborn within and around us. To trust in the wild unfolding. To find the beauty in being here." Amisha Ghadiali
In this episode entitled A Tribute to my Father, Amisha shares a tribute to the life of her father, and explores death, grief and karma. She shares some of the ways he influenced her and the power in these profound moments. In the second part there is an expansive meditation practice on The Art of Deep Listening. We can only listen to others in relation to the ability we have cultivated to listen to ourselves. As we find ourselves here in this great transition that 2020 is offering to us, how can we find presence, grace and allow ourselves to be transformed by life itself?
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