How do we draw on sacred traditions and cultures to create a movement that builds our future?
In this episode entitled Smoke Signals Of Change, Amisha speaks with SleepyEye an indigenous wisdom keeper. He shares healings and teachings of the Americas and of the yogic tradition in ceremonies, ancient songs and ways to connect to the elements. He has dedicated his life to the pursuit of finding healing ways of being within all Nations of the Americas; ways of life that would not only benefit his Sisseton-Wapheton Dakota and Tonawanda Seneca people, but ways that can benefit all of life. Learning to live with sacred ancient teachings that were passed down since the beginning of time in a modern day world has been very challenging, but SleepyEye has been able to merge teachings of his elders with world wide teachings as well.
SleepyEye shines a light on the earth spirit movement that is awakening consciousness in all human beings. He believes that by sharing the sacred teachings of native traditions and cultures we bring alive healing, reconnecting us with the spiritual essence of Mother nature and the divine feminine. He talks about the power of prayer, ceremony and the four elements; resourceful foundations that bring us into natural alignment and practice.
They speak about colonial legacies and the destruction of the teachings, traditions, ceremony and prayer of the Dakota people and beyond. They share their encounters with racism and white privilege, and how they have honed their gifts despite these challenges.
We learn that we must look towards the native people, indigenous wisdom keepers, the carriers of ancient ways that have survived evil and trauma and nonetheless are the living extensions of ancient sacred teachings. We must follow the smoke signals of change by teaming up to heal ourselves and our communities to make way for the ones coming behind us.
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