On this special Christmas edition of The Humble Skeptic podcast, Shane takes a break from his current series on “Questions of Faith” and plays a Christmas sermon he recently preached on Micah chapter 5.
For Further ReadingFinding Christ in All of Scripture, Shane Rosenthal (PDF)Why Should We Believe The Bible?, Shane Rosenthal (article)A New Way of Reading Scripture, Shane Rosenthal (article)The Jewish Gospels, Daniel Boyarin (book)Is Jesus in the Old Testament?, Ian Duguid (booklet)Four Principles for Reading the Old Testament, Ian Duguid (article)Journeys with Jesus, Dennis Johnson (book)Proof of the Gospel, Eusebius of Caesarea (book)The Moody Handbook of Messianic Prophecy, Rydelnik & Blum (book)Echoes of Exodus, Roberts & Wilson (book)The Angel of the Lord, Foreman & Van Dorn (book)Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament, Nancy Guthrie (book series)
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