![Babylon - podcast episode cover](https://substackcdn.com/feed/podcast/834239/post/155367456/b0139f98cbed829f3b77550b286cf53c.jpg)
Episode description
Wherever we find references to Babylon in the Bible, we’re frequently reminded of man’s failed attempt to ascend to the heavens. This is due in part to the fact that “Babel” and “Babylon” happen to be the same word in Hebrew. On this edition, Shane walks through a variety of Old Testament passages that relate to this theme and contrasts them with prophecies about Israel’s coming Messiah.
BooksBabylonian Life & History, E.A. Wallis Budge—FREEGod Dwells Among Us, G.K. Beale & Mitchell KimThe Temple & The Tabernacle, J. Daniel HaysPierced for Our Transgressions, Andrew Sach & OthersThe Gospel According to Isaiah 53, Bock & GlaserBrave By Faith, Alistair BeggEchoes of Exodus, Roberts & WilsonHim We Proclaim, Dennis Johnson
ArticlesNebuchadnezzar & Archaeology, Shane Rosenthal (coming soon)Identifying Babylon The Great, Shane Rosenthal (coming soon)The Tower of Babel, Shane RosenthalNew Life in the New Year, Shane RosenthalJustin Martyr on the Importance of Fulfilled Prophecy, Shane RosenthalIsaiah’s Prophecy of the Messiah’s Birth, Shane RosenthalFinding Christ in All of Scripture, Shane RosenthalWhy Should We Believe the Bible?, Shane Rosenthal
AudioJacob’s Ladder, with Richard Bauckham, Michael Horton & othersThe Intersection of Church & State, with David Van DrunenThe Big Picture, with J. Daniel HaysHow to Read & Interpret the Bible, with Mike BrownWorship in Spirit & Truth, with G.K. BealeJewish Views of the Messiah, with Daniel BoyarinWere Jews Expecting a Suffering Messiah? Life in a Post-Christian World, with Alistair Begg
VideoExploring Babylon & The Prophcies Against Her, Joel KramerThe Message of Daniel, John Lennox
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