How does the Christian worldview explain the problem of evil, and how does this perspective differ from other major worldview options? What are we to think about the challenges related to artificial intelligence, and how could these challenges potentially change our world? Shane Rosenthal discusses these and other questions with Oxford mathematician John Lennox, author of Suffering Life’s Pain, and 2084: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity.
SHOW NOTESBooks by John LennoxSuffering Life’s Pain: Facing Moral & Natural EvilFinding Ultimate Reality2084: AI & The Future of HumanityJoseph: A Story of Love, Hate, & ForgivenessCan Science Explain Everything?God & Stephen HawkingCosmic ChemistryGunning for GodAgainst The FlowSeven Days That Divide The World
Other Recommended Books & ResourcesThe Universe Next Door, James SireNaming the Elephant: Worldview as a Concept, James SireWhy Good Arguments Often Fail, James SireThe Story of Reality, Greg KouklGod & The Problem of Evil, Five ViewsGreg Koukl on The Problem of Evil (podcast)Against the Tide, A Documentary Featuring John Lennox
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Upcoming Events• Shane will be speaking at The Cross & Resurrection conference in the Memphis area on March 22-24, 2024 (click here for more info).
• The Humble Skeptic and ReThink315 will host a free apologetics conference titled, Conversations That Matter, featuring Greg Koukl, Shane Rosenthal, and Jeremy Smith on April 5-6, 2024 at Concord Church in St. Louis.
• Greg Koukl, Shane Rosenthal & Jeremy Smith will be speaking on apologetics-related topics at The Fellowship of Wildwood in the greater St. Louis area on April 7, 2024.
• For more information, or to invite Shane Rosenthal to speak at your next event, use the following address: INFO at HUMBLESKEPTIC dot COM.
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