How can we know whether religious experiences are authentic, or just a trick of the brain? And if they really are supernatural, how we be sure that they emanate from the God of the Bible, as opposed to the Koran? Too often we allow our experiences to confirm that which we already believe. On this episode, Shane discusses this with believers from a wide variety of faiths and also airs the second half of his conversation with Dr. J.R. Miller, author of One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism.
SHOW NOTESRelated ResourcesMore Than Cake, J.R. Miller’s SubstackOne Lord, One Faith, One Baptism, J.R. Miller (book)The Mormonization of American Christianity, Shane RosenthalActs 2 & The Tongues Controversy, Shane RosenthalThe Story of Us, Shane RosenthalThe Megachurch Century, Shane RosenthalWhy Should We Believe the Bible?, Shane Rosenthal
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