In 1Pet. 3:15, Peter famously says, “Always be ready to give an answer for the hope that lies in you.” In many ways, this has become the standard prooftext for the apologetic enterprise, but have we really understood all that this verse has to teach us? Shane discusses this question and many other related issues with Jeremy Smith, the founder and president of ReThink315.
SHOW NOTES• For more information about Jeremy Smith and the mission of ReThink315, click here.
• Related articles by Shane Rosenthal: “Recovering the Art of Persuasion”, “What is Faith?”, “On Faith & Doubt”, and “Why Should We Believe The Bible?”
• Related episodes: “Power or Persuasion?”, “Questioning Your Faith”, “Dealing with Doubt”, “Greg Koukl on Blind Faith”, “Is Faith Irrational?” and “Is Faith Blind?”
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