Julie Fletcher is the Chief Human Resources Officer at TheKey, a home care company for seniors with dedicated support for clients and their families. Julie’s specialties include executive leadership, talent acquisition, organizational effectiveness, and healthcare HR. She has a rich human resources and talent management career, including over 10 years as the Chief Talent Officer for AMN Healthcare. Her first position was at the Disneyland Resort, leading its HR and working on client business strategy.
In this episode…Human resources is one of the most neglected aspects of running a great company. The human element can turn a functional business into a thriving operation. HR has the ability not only to regulate and help employees but also to work with potential talent from the beginning. So what does this department look like at its best?
An experienced HR executive, Julie Fletcher has worked for multiple leading businesses, specializing in both talent management and HR. Companies must have great leaders at the top who are transparent and offer opportunities to employees to leverage and develop their strengths. Your talent will thrive and support company growth when they’re allowed to progress in their roles and are vested in the values and culture of the company. Julie stresses the importance of HR and why it should be at the center of everything in a business. Her depth of experience has led to a wealth of knowledge, and now she offers her insights to you.
In this episode of Next Wave Leadership, Dov Pollack sits down with Julie Fletcher, the Chief Human Resources Officer at TheKey, to talk about HR and how leadership can shine through it. They discuss her career trajectory, working for Susan Salka at AMN Healthcare, and what she learned from her positions. The two also go into detail on how to establish culture, outgrowing the need for constant affirmation, and advice for new CHROs.