Michael Landers is the Founder and President of Culture Crossing Inc., a company that offers strategic consulting for the global marketplace. His workshops and speaking events have drawn over 100,000 people worldwide. As a specialist in multicultural environments, he has consulted for organizations such as The Oxford Group and ALC Education Inc. Michael authored the bestselling book Culture Crossing, where he details how to work and thrive in today’s multicultural workplace.
Michael holds a bachelor’s in international business and a master's in cross-cultural studies. Additionally, he is fluent in Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese and proficient in Italian and Japanese. He brings extensive experience from living and learning in various global cultural environments to his consultancy to help establish connections with his clients.
In this episode…Refining and reconnecting with your inner purpose is a lofty goal. However, it’s an attainable objective that leads to a more satisfying life and better leadership skills. Many modern-day leaders can “miss the forest for the trees,” making supporting those they are supposed to lead harder. Fortunately, there are key ways all of that can change.
Michael Landers is a consultant who helps manage and improve cross-cultural interactions. Along with this experience, he has developed organizational leadership styles and uncovered the underlying factors many overlook. Michael’s story of recapturing his inner purpose has led him to where he is today. So what actionable steps can you take to embark on the same journey?
In this episode of Next Wave Leadership, Dov Pollack invites Michael Landers, the Founder and President of Culture Crossing Inc., to talk about purpose and advice for today’s leaders. They talk about Michael’s retreat, the lessons he learned from it, and how he helps others find their inward and outward purposes. They also touch on the human condition in the workplace, different books for different times, and why the United States doesn’t create gurus.