Ann Latham is a writer, consultant, and the President of Uncommon Clarity, Inc. Known as the Queen of Clarity, her consultancy works with companies and organizations to streamline and accelerate their processes. Some of the notable clients she’s worked with include Boeing, PBS, and United Way. She has synthesized many of her ideas into her books, The Power of Clarity, The Clarity Papers, and Uncommon Meetings. She is a frequent guest speaker and has been featured in publications such as Bloomberg, The New York Times, and Forbes.
In this episode…Everyone says that communication is key in business, but what kind of communication? We have dozens of avenues for communication, from meetings, to emails, to software, and more. Yet, there is still so much that slips through the cracks.
With the stakes being so high for companies, communication needs to be not only frequent but clear. Ann Latham’s entire career has been dedicated to writing and consulting on the concept of organizational clarity. With her assistance, brands such as Boeing and Hitachi have found the cracks in their communication and progressed to great results. So what areas of your business need to be clarified?
In this episode of Next Wave Leadership, Dov Pollack talks about organizational clarity with Ann Latham, writer and President of Uncommon Clarity, Inc. They discuss common issues holding companies back, such as ineffective meetings and decision making, and share practical advice for how to solve them. They also explain how treadmill verbs, SWOT analysis, and cognitive objects affect the average business. Stay tuned for all of this and much more!