Creativity, art and culture have a great potential for effectively tackling urban & environmental challenges and in supporting liveability. From ‘holograms you can touch’ in new and discarded plastics, to sculptures in pollution absorbing ceramics and cyanotype blueprints, Jasmine brings together her background as physicist, artist, public speaker and innovator, to address the diminishing air quality and unsustainable practices in our rapidly urbanizing world. I discussed with Dr Jasmine Pradissitto about her background & vision, and on how Jasmine is using art as a medium to address diminishing air quality and biodiversity in our urban areas.
Announcement: Installation of 'Breathe' a sculpture by Jasmine in Noxtek in Euston above the Camden People's Theatre on 15 June 2021. Do check it out if you are in London! More information on Jasmine's work can be found at: