Jason Fladlien is known as the quarter-billion-dollar webinar man. His pitch webinars have set records in the information, coaching, affiliate, and software space.
Maria Gudelis here and I had an unfiltered, heart-to-heart with my friend Jason, and let me tell you, it was nothing short of transformative.
Grief and adversity - emotions we often skirt around, especially in the hustle-driven world of entrepreneurship.
But what if I told you that these very emotions could be the secret sauce to unparalleled growth?
Here's the golden nugget - it's about working through this grief, emerging as an even more authentic version of yourself, rather than letting it chip away at your core.
At the 7:27 mark, Jason gets real about a trap many of us fall into. Chasing successes and achievements to fill an emotional void, thinking "If I achieve this, then I'll feel complete."
External accomplishments will not give you want you need internally.
The might help you in certain ways along the ways to be better equipped to then do the work internally.
But working really hard and making lots of money and being super successful...I still felt empty inside.
This is very common among entrepreneurs, it’s workaholism, it’s an addiction that lead to ruin over time unless they are dealt with.
A. You get all the accolades
B. You get all the money
C. You shut your ability to feel emotionally
So you push emotions away. Because you’re too busy to feel.
Many believe that the bustling world of entrepreneurship leaves no room for emotions like sadness or anger. However, Jason challenges this perception, revealing that embracing such feelings can be transformative.
Jason touches on:
- The pitfalls of seeking validation through external accomplishments.
- The dangers of workaholism common amongst entrepreneurs.
- The recommendation during Joe Polish's $100,000 mastermind that shifted his perspective.
- 18:15 The lesser-known concept of "toxic positivity" and how genuine emotions play a pivotal role in our well-being.
- How understanding emotional trauma and grief has reshaped his approach to sales, culminating in breakthrough closing strategies and improved sales process.
My favorite quote of many from this episode:
"I was looking for answers in a store that didn’t sell the solution I needed."
Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
Cheers, Maria Gudelis