Hey this is Alex! We made a special SIF episode about the Mario movie. Become a supporter to hear it!
To become a supporter, start a Maximum Fun membership here: https://maximumfun.org/join It'll ask which shows you're supporting. Select "Secretly Incredibly Fascinating". Then that leads you to a Bonus Content ("BoCo") page, where there's a special Secretly Incredibly Fascinating Bonus Content Feed AND an all-of-MaxFun bonus feed. Our special episode about the 1993 'Super Mario Bros.' movie is hosted in the Secretly Incredibly Fascinating Bonus Content Feed.
Join our Discord! We hang out there every week. There's also extra tips there for getting your bonus feeds. Discord invite link: https://discord.gg/wbR96nsGg5
Here's the link to Alex's special FAQ show about all things Maximum Fun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kNplapKs-w
Here's the list of this year's MaxFun meetups on Thurs. March 23rd: https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=142eOvPSsWQLACZJyd2b9e8sJcmjnc-w&ll=38.449103683287106%2C-98.16156520000001&z=4 Click the locations for details. And here's more info about that MaxFun Meetup Day: https://maximumfun.org/events/meetups/maxfun-meetup-day-2023/
Thanks for reading/listening. E-mail Alex (sifpod@gmail.com) if you have any questions. And remember: trust the fungus.