As Ben Betts wrote in a recent blog post, ‘the LMS is the first point of entry to learning; the front-of-house of our industry.’ While that front-of-house may look a little different now than it did twenty years ago, and despite the oft-repeated claim that the LMS is dying, it remains the default gateway to digital learning in organizations. But are things about to change?
To answer that question and others, Ben joins Ross D and Owen on this week’s episode of The Mind Tools L&D Podcast to discuss:
· the many eras of the LMS, and how we got to where we are now;
· the forces that have shaped e-learning interfaces over time;
· how AI and other changes in the tech landscape might usher in a new era.
You can read Ben’s blog post, ‘What’s the Next Generation of E-Learning Interfaces?’, on his website.In ‘What I Learned This Week’, Owen recommended the podcast Acquired, and Ben mentioned the website ‘There’s an AI for That’.
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