In this episode of the Greyscalegorilla podcast, the team catches up after the holidays. Hear them talk about movies, shows, and their favorite gifts. Take a listen to the latest in industry news from around the mograph world, and finally hear about some tips and tricks to help you stay motivated during the cold winter months.
Show Notes:
Making John Wick Titles with Amador Valenzuela
Big Bird Singing at Jim Henson's Funeral
Captain America: The First Avenger
The Mandalorian Behind the Scenes
Unreal Engine Real-Time In-Camera VFX
The Declining art of the DVD commentary
Chad's Dieter Rams Instagram Post
Ten Principles for Good Design
Modern Surface Material Collection
Cinema 4D Color Picker Tutorial
Intro to Arnold in Greyscalegorilla Plus
School of Motion End of the Year Podcast
Joey Korenman Podcast Interview Coming Soon
NAB 2020 - April 18 - April 22
MoGraph Meetup