I used VR&E to get a master's degree, but that's not how I started...At first I thought I was going to use it for an accelerated BSN. But right before starting, I switched over to completing my MS in Project Management. We don't all go in straight lines...I was surprised at the work required to apply for and be approved for VR&E. Here is what I learned. VR&E Application Assignment includes: Career Exploration Guide: - Find 10-15 job postings for the career you are pursuing in your area that required the degree you want - Include school curriculum for the program you want to do - Discuss your disability restrictions for said career path and how your injuries relate to your current role vs desired role - Discuss job postings and if you’re willing to move, need anything extra etc. - Answer several questions about your current role, desired role and VA ratings - Research 2-3 schools with a program that you could attend to complete goal - WRITE a career proposal about your research and why you want to pursue said job This isn't as straightforward as applying to use the GI Bill. Good luck!