In Basgasten interviewt Hidde Roorda bekende bassisten over wat ze heeft gevormd tot de muzikant die ze zijn. Welke albums, bassisten en baslijntjes zijn belangrijk voor ze?
In aflevering 26 is Damian Erskine te gast. Damian ken je van zijn column op No Treble, zijn docentschap aan de Portland State University en als bassist van Gino Vannelli.
Alle genoemde nummers zijn te vinden in de Basgasten Spotify playlist: https://open.spotify.com/user/hidderoorda/playlist/6YOFD8pqFXK2OET1oupRpA
Vragen? Suggesties? Klachten? Mail naar basgasten@hidderoorda.nl
In Basgasten Hidde Roorda interviews well known bass players about what made them the musician they are. Which albums, bass players and bass licks are important in their life?
In episode 26 my guest is Damian Erskine. Damian is mainly known for his bass playing for Gino Vannelli, his professorship at the Portland State University and his excellent writing for his own educational books and bass player's website No Treble.
All songs mentioned can be found in the Basgasten playlist on Spotify:
Questions? Suggestions? Complaints? Send an e-mail to basgasten@hidderoorda.nl