Super fun time with legend Nina Parker
Our conversation was a Curiosity Carnival massaging my insatiable loves
creativity, restaurants, stuffing-my -ace, writing, brand building
If you love food, love brand building, you’ll love this
Oh! If you’re watching on YouTube
people are asking if I’ve started painting my nails like a Hackney HipsterDipster
Nay, I dropped a f*ck off big kettle bell on my finger and it’s gone completely black 🤣
Fully Poddy tomozza morning
1. Nina’s Proustian Moments in food: How food can teleport you back to moments of bliss
2. Paul Ainsworth’s Leadership Rule: We Make it Happen, We Make It Happen Together
3. Minor Figures: Brand Building Law “Bite off more than you can chew, Chew like hell”
4. Why exhaustion is celebrated in kitchens & how to off set burn out “plan weekly rest”
5. Wheeling Out The Cheese Wheel: Nina’s ONE SECRET to build a massive social following
6. How to Deal with Manufacturers who are constantly trying to take short cuts on product quality
7. Nina’s Ice Cream Truck Rule: The Subtle Art of Knowing When to quit
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