Ben Branson founded Seedlip Drinks.
Seedlip pioneered the Low to No movement.
The Low to No Movement helped more people go sober.
More sober people, led to more happier people.
More happier people, more productive people.
We REALLY don’t understand the power of Sober (just yet)
It’s unfathomably enormous.
In 50 years, we'll teach kids in school.
Going sober is discovering coffee.
Going sober is discovering electricity.
Going sober is discovering penicillin.
Going sober is discovering Nandos Garlic Bread & Chicken Thigh combo (dun kno, my G)
Honour to sit with LEGEND and great friend, Ben Branson
Recorded at our Live Podcast + Supper Club back in May at Coal Rooms, Peckham
We’ve got 7 more Live Podcasts + Supper Clubs coming up this year.
16 peeps MAX.
Exclusive for our Newsletter readers only.
Wanna hang out with the donny food & drink founders?
Subscribe in comments below.
1. Why Building a Brand is like jumping off a cliff and building the plane on the way down
2. Unveiling The Seedlip Success Blue Print: Local vs. Global vs. Micro vs. Macro
3. “You want people to think you’re idea is f*cking stupid” - you want strength either side
4. Where are your 1000 true fans GLOBALLY? It’s easier to sell to a bar Barcelona vs. a pub in Lincoln
5. Why Seedlip Chased Credibility “… I never once said Seedlip was great, I let other people do that?”
6. The world’s changed, so has the way you build brands: “social media is blurring the borders” + “everything is happening at the same time”
7. How Seedlip cracked the EXPORT ENIGMA: get them to pitch to YOU
8. Julian Metcalfe, Pret a Manger Founder “Simplicity is Hard, Complexity is Easy”
9. Ben Brand “Make it SIMPLE, Don’t SIMPLIFY it”
10. How Founders can think "Fast & Slow" + Rick Rubin “distraction is not procrastination”
11. If you’ve got an idea…. If it’s REALLY a good idea DON'T LET IT DOWN
12. Don’t second guess yourself as you get bigger… “Never hire a great CV and a middle aged man”
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