Welcome to part 2 of our Summer Money Series where we take a deeper dive into the bigger topics of personal finance. Today’s episode is all about Teacher Loan Forgiveness & Public Service Loan Forgiveness. We interviewed Dave from The Budget Teacher, a CSLP who specializes in helping educators navigate their debt forgiveness options. It was an info-packed interview-- we hope you enjoy!
Mentioned in this episode:
AFT loan forgiveness opportunities database: https://www.aft.org/funding-database?field_funding_opp_funding_type_tid=573&field_funding_opp_grade_tid=All&field_funding_opp_position_tid=All&field_funding_opp_district_type_tid=All&field_funding_opp_subject_area_tid=All&field_funding_opp_states_tid=All
Dave (The Budget Teacher): https://thebudgetteacher.com @thebudgetteacher on instagram
Want to ask a question or share a money win? Email us at teacherstalkmoney@gmail.com!
Find more from Rachel: https://teacherstalkmoney.com @TeachersTalkMoney on instagram
Find more from Christy: https://financiallyfitteacher.com @FinanciallyFitTeacher on instagram