Welcome to part 1 of our Summer Money Series where we take a deeper dive into the bigger topics of personal finance. Today’s episode is all about debt payoff-- the mindset and the methods. We address the shame that sometimes comes with being in debt, before discussing 3 major debt payoff methods and describing which ones are best based on your personality type and the nature of your debt.
Mentioned in this episode:
Queer Money Podcast: https://podcast.debtfreeguys.com/
Tiffany Aliche AKA the Budgetnista:https://thebudgetnista.com/
Meriam @melannialmoney: https://www.instagram.com/melannialmoney/?hl=en
Find more from Rachel:
@TeachersTalkMoney on instagram and YouTube
Find more from Christy:
@FinanciallyFitTeacher on instagram