Arlene Redmoor's wedding finally arrives in this episode! Arlene is wed to Antonin Mooncrest, and what follows is a party that will not soon be forgotten by any involved. Meanwhile, in the White Forest, our party is introduced to the last member of Yllowyyn's family. Yllowyyn's older sister, Yllodyk, turns out to be a rather interesting character. Music for this episode, "The Traditional Iordic Wedding Gigue", was created by Christopher Montalbo for use in THE ONCE AND FUTURE NERD, with some rights reserved by the creator. If you'd like to discuss this episode, head over to, our new official forum for all things TOAFN!
We hope our American audience has a happy Thanksgiving, and for the rest of the world...have a good Thursday! In light of the holiday, TOAFN will be taking a small hiatus. The conclusion of Chapter 7 will be presented on December 14. During the break, you can check out, where we are finalists in a number of categories of podcast awards! Voting for the winners is live, so consider supporting all the contestants and voting for your favorite! And by favorite, of course, we mean us. Vote for us. (No but seriously, uphold the integrity of the event, vote however you see fit).