In this episode: Envisioning 3 months off work, Mindfulness, Burnout, Learning to Rest & more - Adam Interviewed by David Moltz
Today, I’m kicking off something a bit different. Last year, around this time, I took a three-month break from work and decided to chronicle my experience by recording an episode before, during, and after. I invited my friends, Julia Li and David Moltz, to interview me at different points throughout the journey.
In this four-part series, you’ll hear what’s going on in my head and in my life before, during and towards the end of this 3 months off of work.
On today’s episode, I’m interviewed by one of my best friends, David Moltz about how I came to realize I needed the time off, how I overcame fear to ask for it and how I’m thinking about making the most of this 3 months off.
Note: The audio is slightly wonky in this episode. My microphone had an issue and I got help to fix it as best I could. Thanks for understanding.
Resources & Books Mentioned
Key Takeaways
PS: Introducing the…
🔥 FIRE Starter Group Coaching Program
Connect with your big vision for the next chapter of your life and start living it in 10 weeks or less using envisioning and the power of your mind.
Interested? Let's chat.
🔥 WHO I'm creating this for:
I'm creating this for YOU if you are feeling stuck & frustrated after saving and investing for years to create "financial freedom" only to find yourself:
🔥 WHAT we’ll do together over 10 weeks:
In this small group coaching program, you will:
🔥 My promise to you:
At the end of 8 weeks, you will be able to point to specific and tangible ways that you’re living out your new vision already.
🔥 Sound interes...