In this episode of the TeacherCast Podcast, we speak with authors Matthew R Kay and Shawna Coppola about race relations in today's classrooms and how school districts, teachers, and students can sit down and have positive and constructive conversations on the topic.
has taught in public schools for over sixteen years. She currently works as a K-6 literacy specialist in Rollinsford, New Hampshire, and teaches courses and seminars through the New Hampshire Literacy Institutes as well as the University of New Hampshire’s Professional Development & Training program. She is a firm believer in the power and wisdom of children of all ages and is grateful for the lessons they teach her on a daily basis.
Twitter: @ShawnaCoppola
Matthew R. KayMatthew R. Kay is a proud product of Philadelphia’s public schools and a founding teacher at Science Leadership Academy (SLA). He is a graduate of West Chester University and holds a Masters in Educational Leadership with a Principals’ Certificate from California University of Pennsylvania. He deeply believes in the importance of earnest and mindful classroom conversations about race. Furthermore, he believes that any teacher who is willing to put in the hard work of reflection can, through the practice of discrete skills, become a better discussion leader. Driven by these convictions, he is passionate about designing professional development that teachers find valuable.
Twitter: @MattRKay
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