Student Tech Squad to the Rescue! – The saying, not all heroes wear capes, is true for the National School District Student Tech Squad. Join us to learn how they started a new initiative to help support their teachers with technology.
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In This Episode ...Promethean is a global education company that improves learning productivity by developing, integrating, and implementing innovative 21st-century learning environments. At Promethean, our goal is to reimagine and reinvent educational technologies that engage and empower the classroom, and we do it all for the love of learning. Headquartered in Seattle, Wash., Promethean is a member of the Net Dragon Websoft Holdings Limited group of companies. For more information, please visit
Links Of InterestDr. O’Connor currently serves as a director in the Educational Services department of the National School District. Her focus is Literacies, Educational Technology, and Innovation (LETI). In addition, Wendy works as an online adjunct professor in the Literacy masters program at California State University, San Marcos and the Educational Technology masters program at Concordia University. She previously served as an Early Literacy Coordinator in Curriculum and Instruction in the Vista Unified School District. Prior to working as an Early Literacy Coordinator, she served as a VUSD district leader through the roles of Content Support Resource Teacher and Literacy Coach. In addition to serving as a teacher on special assignment, she has been a classroom elementary teacher, supervised numerous student teachers, served as a site liaison for student teachers from CSUSM, provided support to beginning teachers through Beginning Teachers Support and Assessment (BTSA), served as a district Language Arts mentor teacher. Throughout Dr. O’Connor’s entire career, her passion has been to support students, teachers, administrators, and parents in ensuring literacy for all.
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