In this episode of the TeacherCast Podcast, Jeff sits down with Sue Ann Towle from MetaMetrics to discuss the Lexile & Quantile Educator Academy, a new self-paced professional learning program to help teachers learn how to have a deeper understanding of Lexile and Quantile frameworks.
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In This Episode ...Both the Lexile and Quantile courses offer an interactive curriculum featuring direct instruction, knowledge checks, summative assessments, and performance tasks. Each course is 10-hours, self-paced and asynchronous. Upon completion of the professional development courses, teachers become Certified Lexile or Quantile Educators. In addition, in more than 20 states, teachers will be awarded CEUs or professional development hours on completion of each course.
Summer has long been the time for teachers to take advantage of professional development opportunities, particularly options that are self-directed. A recent study by Rand’s American Teacher Panel revealed that 99 percent of teachers surveyed said they participated in professional learning activities over summer break.
“After facing the challenges of the 2020-2021 school year, teachers tell us they are looking for professional development opportunities to help individualize instruction when they return to the classroom in the fall,” said Malbert Smith, CEO and co-founder, MetaMetrics. “With our Lexile and Quantile certification courses, teachers can leverage the measures their students are likely already receiving through a state or classroom assessment and learn about strategies and resources for implementing individualized instruction.”
Teachers who complete the courses will gain a deeper understanding of how to make the Lexile and Quantile frameworks actionable for learning and discover award-winning tools and resources on the Lexile or Quantile Hub to support their efforts. They will also learn strategies for communicating effectively with parents about student performance and growth and ways to use the universal measures with their colleagues.
Educators who participated in a preview of the Quantile Certification Course had high praise. “This has been a very valuable course. I had zero background in all things related to Quantile measures,” said Laura Graham, elementary teacher at Pender County Schools in North Carolina, “This will help me better plan for my students, sharing with my colleagues, and communicating with parents. The myriad resources allow me to expand my knowledge of teaching mathematics.”
Each course is $99. For information about volume discounts, contact To enroll or learn more, go to
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