20VC: The Biggest Mistakes Startups Make Hiring, The 2 Reasons Startups Fail and How to Avoid Them, Why Most Startup Equity Plans are F****** and Why You Should Scrap Titles From Your Company with Eddie Vivas, Founder & CEO @ Curated
Episode description
Eduardo Vivas is the Co-Founder and CEO @ Curated, a network where product experts monetize their passion and help consumers make the perfect purchase. To date, Eddie has raised over $141M from some of the best including CapitalG, Greylock and Forerunner to name a few. Eddie is also a stellar angel investor with a portfolio including Telegram, Truebill, AppLovin and Dollar Shave Club among others. Prior to Curated, Eddie spent 3 years at Linkedin as Head of Talent Solutions, following his startup, Bright, being acquired by them in 2014.
In Today’s Episode with Eddie Vivas You Will Learn:
1.) The Founding of Curated:
- What was the aha moment for Eddie with Curated?
- What were Eddie's biggest takeaways from his prior companies? What did he take with him that worked? What did he disregard that did not work?
- What were some of Eddie's biggest lessons from Linkedin? How did it impact his mindset?
2.) The Compound Startup:
- Why did Eddie decide it was right to build so much of the tooling themselves?
- How does Eddie determine when to buy vs build?
- What are the biggest mistakes Eddie sees founders making when building multiple internal tools at the same time?
- How does build a compound startup increase the strategic value of a company?
3.) Hiring: Missionaries not Mercenaries
- How does Eddie structure his hiring process at Curated? Why does he not believe that startups are for everyone?
- What are the biggest signals that a person is a missionary and not a mercenary? How do mercenaries act in a way that is different to missionaries?
- What questions in an interview process show these traits?
- What are some of the biggest mistakes Eddie has made when hiring?
4.) Equity and Compensation:
- What is Eddie's biggest advice to founders when it comes to equity allocations for the team?
- Why does Eddie believe it is crucial to offer and provide secondaries for the team?
- How does Eddie feel about the amount of secondaries founders take today so early?
Item’s Mentioned In Today’s Episode with Eddie Vivas
Eddie’s Favourite Book: Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions