So I follow a few industry “LEADERS” on social media outlets (Facebook, Insta, Twitter) and the common theme I find is they all seem to just want to sell, sell, sell you a product formulated by, they do this by feeding you the client or customer they hit you with the so called “Facts” you want to hear that will help you get lean, get fitter, get stronger, get bigger…. They promote their products by telling you that to maximise your results you will need to take this and add this and buy this from my personal range of formulated supplements blah blah bleurgh! Which I absolutely despise to the core because these guys and gals go into Uni and learn all these things to pretty much become and expert in that area, I mean they have to learn a lot of stuff in order to be able to manipulate the conversation to the point where you believe it because they use big words, and they have got the doctorate in physiology which is amazing to put yourself in that position to have a wealth of knowledge to help the average person achieve what they desire with their body…
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