DAY SIX - Don't Make Others Feel Small, Santa shares Secrets About His Sleigh, New Streaming Service Elf Flix
Today we talk about
- walking in someone else's shoes,
- how to make others feel better about themselves,
- we share a secret about Santa's Sleigh
- Santa answers some messages from listeners
- The Santa Daily News,
- and a new streaming service, just for elves called - Elf Flix
Ok everyone, Santa has provided his suggested topic for today's show - Santa wants to remind us that we should always make others feel big, and never make people feel small.
Well Selfie, that is interesting - yes elves are small, and that makes you and the rest of the other amazing elves here at the north pole special.
For the adults and kids listening, making someone feel small is something that many people around the world do to each other - and it is really sad.
You can make someone feel small, or not important just by the way you treat them. We all remember the story of Rudolph - remember, he wasn't included in the games that his friends were playing - so he felt like he didn't belong, that his friends didn't want him to be apart of the group - he felt small, not like an elf small, just small or not as important as everyone else.
Some times people can be mean - they say or do things that don't include other people - sometimes, these people end up on Santa's naughty list and they don't even know that they are making others feel small.
We need to be gentle with others around us - our friends at school, brother or sister, adults and teachers, we should never treat someone in a way that makes them feel small - or another big person word is - insignificant or meaningless. Everyone is significant and full of meaning - even if they don't look like, act like, think like, play like or come from the same place that you do.
Santa wants us all to think about others first - to look at the world through their eyes, understand how they are different and unique - what makes them special.
to do this some people say that we should walk a mile in someone else's shoes - have you ever walked in someone else's shoes before selfie?
Put Yourself in the Other Person’s Shoes
When you are playing with your friends and they have an idea or a new way to do something - are you willing to listen and to try their way or does it always have to be your way? Sometimes their way might be better, or more fun - sometimes your way might be the best choice, but how will you know if you never listen to others and try their ideas - see the world as they see it and learn from others.
Let's look for ways to be more considerate of others
And that, is how you can stay on Santa's Nice list - it really does work.
What will you do today to make others big instead of making them feel little.
If you want more info about the podcast, have your parents help you and go to and there you will find Santa's Spotify Playlist, Producer Dave's Movie Pick, Selfie's coloring pages, and even a way for you to get your voice and questions on the show!
Your parents can help you - head over to today!
See you tomorrow!