Episode description
06:00 – Harry welcomes to the show, Alban Brooke who shares the origin story of his company, Buzzsprout
11:21 – How Alban got involved in podcasting and marketing
24:25 – Feedback Alban has gotten on Buzzsprout’s offerings
29:14 – What companies like Spotify, Google and Facebook are doing in the podcasting space
36:58 – How Alban came across Podcasting Index and the work he’s doing at Buzzsprout
46:51 – Alban shares why podcasting is much harder to grow than any other media
53:53 – Something Alban has changed his mind about recently
56:15 – Harry thanks Alban for joining the show and let’s listeners know where they can connect with him
TWEETABLES“If I ever got to an Internet café, I’d download podcasts because that was media that I loved. And that was when it started clicking with me the connection you could still feel with a podcast audience if you are listening. Then when the opportunity came up for a podcasting company I thought this is something that would be really interesting.” (11:54)
“There was a period where we [Buzzsprout] outranked Spotify for how to get a podcast on Spotify.” (18:17)
“Almost everything we’ve ever done is we want to make it easier for people who are starting because the bet we were putting on podcasting was that it was gonna grow.” (20:46)
“That’s what the Podcasting Index is trying to do now is help bring multiple hosts together, multiple apps together, listeners, everybody in the ecosystem.” (41:09)
“Podcasts are much, much, much harder to grow than any other media type that I’ve ever engaged with.” (46:51)
“Over the past seven years of being involved in this space, I’m becoming more and more optimistic that the content creators will prevail.” (54:49)
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