06:00 – Harry welcomes Kimi Culp to the show to discuss her background in journalism, the importance of cultivating friendships and her love of love
15:12 – Kimi reflects on her time at NBC, including covering 9/11
23:38 – Kimi’s thoughts on the evolution of news and how Harry views podcasts in the media landscape
31:15 – Lessons Kimi learned from working with people like Diane Sawyer and Oprah Winfrey
39:24 – Kimi talks about what inspired her to start her podcast, All the Wiser, and the detailed process that goes into producing each individual story
48:02 – The emotional exhaustion behind the intense interviews Kimi conducts
50:57 – Kimi opens up about her experience with bipolar disorder and the decision to share her own story
1:05:44 – What is something that Kimi has changed her mind about recently and the most misunderstood thing about Kimi
1:08:17 – Harry thanks Kimi for joining the show, and let’s listeners know where they can connect with he
TWEETABLES“I would describe myself as both an extrovert and introvert because I really need that human connection and I also need time by myself.” (07:50)
“I want to know the essentials. I want to be informed. But I also don’t want to spend hours upon hours, because everything you put out there you have a responsibility for the energy you put out into the world. And so if you put something into the world that fuels fear, anxiety, hate, that impacts people. So, I have become more intentional, more selective of curating my own feeds.” (24:58)
“I think there’s value in the intimacy of being with someone in their ears on a long drive or walk.” (26:39)
“What I learned at Oprah is before you pitch any interview, before you begin any interview, before you have an idea, you stop and you ask yourself, ‘What is my intention?’” (35:41)
“We tell very high-stakes stories with really strong beginnings, middles and ends. And, most importantly, is that there is wisdom extracted on the other end. People often go through incredibly messy things and find a new meaning or perspective on the other end.” (43:24)
“Our guests are categorically brave because they share hard truths. They talk about things that are hard with the right intention, which is to be of service to others.” (52:25)
“Some of us have truths that we hide. And some of our guests, their hardest, darkest days are how the world defines them and they can’t hide them.” (58:10)
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