06:00 – Harry welcomes Bryan Barletta to the show to discuss his background and entrepreneurial origin story
12:43 – Bryan shares his thoughts on how COVID-19 may impact the mental, physical and emotional development of children
18:56 – Bryan provides his thoughts on privacy and projects such as Podcast Index
30:18 – Bryan recalls the first time he discovered podcasting and the first piece of technology he ever owned
39:43 – Bryan speaks to his career evolution in podcast ad tech
42:20 – Bryan and Harry discuss monetizing podcasts, landing sponsorships and other aspects of advertising
55:53 – How Bryan met and connected with James Cridland
59:45 – Bryan speaks to something he has changed his mind about recently, the most misunderstood thing about him
1:01:28 – Harry thanks Bryan for joining the show, and let’s listeners know where they can connect with him and Sounds Profitable
TWEETABLES“Everybody who doesn’t have to be in New York or LA anymore is absolutely exploring the different options, as they should. And I think that Austin is hot on everybody’s list.” (07:53)
“I think that podcasting can help a lot of that. I think that can be the neat aspect of it where we’re gonna be able to see different ways that these business owners recovered or even just tell their story.” (11:49)
“I think that kids are ultimately resilient, but I think that we’re gonna see a big impact. I think these kids are going to grow up differently from how we grew up and I think it’s on us to make sure that we make space to help them.” (14:29)
“I think that there’s a lot of value in his [Tim Ferriss’] content and I think he’s done a lot for the podcasting space. It’s easy for people to dismiss him sometimes, but I’m thankful for what I’ve learned from him.” (31:44)
“And it was really cool to take this technology that I was obsessed with and make it a career and look at ways to help people monetize that didn’t destroy their creativity. I would always push for other ways to go about it. Don’t just throw a banner there. Really be aware of your customer and make sure you aren’t alienating them. It was a natural fit into podcasting.” (41:50)
“The niche is the really interesting part. I don’t want to hear anybody else’s opinions about something that’s broad that I can get from places that are respected and well developed. I do want to hear about topics that are very specific.” (53:37)