Episode Summary:
Harry welcomes to the show co-founder of Motion, Tristan Pelligrino. Through his work, Tristan and the team at Motion helps small marketing teams at B2B technology companies launch a branded podcast in less than 21 days. Tristan is also the co-host of The Recorded Content podcast, a show for small, scrappy marketing teams who are looking to launch & grow a successful B2B podcast.
Today, Harry and Tristan discuss the challenges of launching, running and growing a podcast. Tristan shares his experiences in content creation and why podcasting is more than just an audio channel. Harry and Tristan talk about the collaborative nature of the podcasting industry and the most unique and niche podcast topics they’ve come across throughout their individual podcast journeys. Finally, Tristan speculates on the future of the industry and what he anticipates in the coming years.
Episode Sponsors:
Focusrite – http://pcjk.es/focusrite
FullCast – https://fullcast.co/
Key Takeaways:
06:28 – Harry and Tristan talks about his initial career dream and his journey to founding his own company
12:24 – The moment podcasting came on Tristan’s radar and what Motion does
16:10 – Getting connected with SquadCast
20:32 – A uniquely collaborative and open community and the future of the podcast industry
30:10 – Harry and Tristan talk about the most unique and niche podcasting topics they’ve come across in their careers
44:12 – Podcast discovery
49:26 – Something Tristan has changed his mind about recently and the most misunderstood thing about him
59:15 – Harry thanks Tristan for joining the show and let’s listeners know where they can connect with him
Tweetable Quotes:
“When people say the word, ‘podcast,’ they traditionally think of the audio form. Podcast is more than an audio channel. It’s more than just putting up an audio file, an mp3 file. We view it a bit differently where it’s more of a communication platform where you get video content, audio and written content all from that same genuine conversation.” (14:23) (Tristan)
“The podcast community is unique in that everyone is so collaborative. I came up in the video production industry and I would say that there’s a lot of similarities there because it takes a village to put a video together. If you’re not able to work with a lot of people, it’s very difficult to get to the finish line.” (21:18) (Tristan)
“The beauty of podcasting is that you’re just never done. There’s always opportunities to test new things. There are always ways to ask different questions and different ways to assemble your podcast.” (24:36) (Tristan)
“For me, as a podcast consumer, I jump around all over the place. I’ll binge a show that I haven’t listened to in a while. I’ll listen to eight or ten episodes if I’m going on a long road trip or what have you. But I’m also always looking for new stuff too, a new host or a new topic.” (47:51) (Tristan)
Links Mentioned:
FullCast Website – https://fullcast.co/
Podcast Junkies Junkies Facebook Group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/podcastjunkiesjunkies/
Link to Podfest Expo Virtual Summit –