06:36 – Harry welcomes back to the show the very first guest in Podcast Junkies history, Espree Devora, who shares her background as a professional podcaster and her passion for spotting the latest trends
20:25 – Espree talks about what excites her the most about the still growing podcast industry
26:29 – Why Espree considers herself an artist, first and foremost, and her aspiration to become a writer
34:40 – Espree talks about being vulnerable
48:25 – Espree opens up about her childhood and how her experiences impact her today as an adult
57:31 – Espree shares the inspirational story of Call Her Daddy and its creator, Alex Cooper
1:04:51 – Espree encourages frustrated podcasters to continue on your own unique journeys
1:12:04 – Harry thanks Espree for joining the show and let’s listeners know where they can connect with her
TWEETABLE QUOTES“This is a little trivia, ‘Where was the first interview on Podcast Junkies recorded?’ In my car, at night in Silver Lake. This sounds so sketch by the way. Across the street from a restaurant. Why did we do it that way?” (10:10) (Harry & Espree)
“I’m gonna say something that I probably shouldn’t say out loud but eff it. I feel like now that everybody’s in podcasting I kinda want to move on to the new.” (18:22)
“We have those same opportunities now to create what the business models are as podcasters. And that’s extremely exciting to me.” (22:17)
“I consider myself an artist. I’ve always described podcasting as painting audio.” (26:33)
“I’m interested in guiding people how to create deep, meaningful relationships and helping others to do so, to make it more of a viral effect and scale human connectivity.” (31:55)
“The skills that we developed by having the personality types that surrounded us ended up creating skills within us as adults that we maybe weren’t aware of.” (48:45)
“If I could embrace the journey rather than be attached to my idea of the outcome and just embrace that my whole life is a story and I don’t know how it’s gonna unfold, maybe I would feel a lot more peace.” (1:03:42)
RESOURCES MENTIONEDPodcast Junkies Junkies Facebook Group
Link to Podfest Expo Virtual Summit
Espree’s Podcasts:
Link to Colin and Samir’s Website
Podcast Production and Marketing provided by FullCast